Vaccination Rooms: challenges and difficulties faced by nursing professionals in the continuing education process
Continuing Education, Vaccination, Nursing teamAbstract
Objective: to identify the difficulties faced by nursing professionals who work in the vaccination rooms of the Family Health Strategy Units in the city of Foz do Iguaçu-PR. Methodology: this is a descriptive and exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, composed of seven technical professionals and/or nursing assistants who work in vaccination rooms in a municipality in the interior of the state of Paraná. Data collection took place in five basic health units from May to June 2024. For data collection, a questionnaire containing 14 questions about the sociodemographic profile and information focused on the central theme of the research was carried out. Results: participants were aged between 24 and 56 years, working in vaccination rooms for more than six months, and training time of 1 to 15 years. The main problems highlighted by the participants were the lack of training, schedule and centralization of training and the lack of nurse presence in the vaccination rooms. Conclusion: precariousness was observed in the qualifications and training aimed at health professionals working in vaccination rooms, schedules and transportation were also pointed out by participants as an impediment to participation in training, the lack of presence of nurses in the room vaccination was also a point highlighted by the participants, we know that the professional nurse has the role of managing the nursing team, and must always check the progress of the sector, apply training, and resolve the team's doubts.
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