Breast cancer (CM) is the world's most affected by women, accounting for 23% of all types of cancer incidents. The annual mortality of this neoplasm is more than 411 thousand deaths per year.Representing a major public health problem. Brazil has followed the high rates of CM incidence and mortality in developed countries, but the measures necessary for the prevention, screening, and control of the disease have not undergone the same growth. The present study aims to identify how nursing care is performed in the screening of breast cancer. It is an integrative review of the literature, in order to deduce generalizations about substantive issues, from a set of studies directly influenced on these issues. In this sense to assist in the diagnosis and screening of CM mammography and one of the tests that are requested, although mammography is the most indicated 90% of CM situations are detected through the women themselves. It can be argued, therefore, that the promotion of self-examination is an efficient method for its detection. In this way the CM tracking is performed through the imaging exams as well as the clinical exams. Once well oriented in relation to CM and the correct form of self-examination, thus healing all the doubts of these women related to the subject, one can with this have the early diagnosis and thus there is much more chances of cure.
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