The importance of strengthening the pelvic floor for women’s health
Pelvic Floor, Urinary incontinence, Pelvic floor muscle trainingAbstract
Introduction: The pelvic floor plays a fundamental role in the support and functioning of all the structures contained therein. The deficit in muscular strength or incoordination of the PA contributes to the emergence of dysfunctions such as urinary and fecal incontinence, genital prolapses and sexual dysfunctions. In the treatment, TMAP is performed, which is the performance of exercises with an emphasis on voluntary contraction of the muscles. Objective: The objective of this study was to create material as a guide to support women who already undergo physiotherapy and wish to exercise. Methods: The work was prepared in stages, the 1st stage was the selection of articles referring to anatomy and exercises for the AP; Results: Through the material prepared, some exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor were demonstrated, such as the basic exercise, bridge exercises, variations of the bridge on tiptoe, bridge with hip abduction, cat exercise on a frame, push-ups hip with knee extended, hip abduction exercise in lateral decubitus. Conclusion: This article and the guide served as support for women who undergo pelvic physiotherapy and who wish to continue strengthening the pelvic floor and prevent pelvic floor dysfunctions, in addition to knowing a little more about the anatomy of the pelvis and female genitalia.
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