The importance of nurses in favor of blood donor loyalty and safe transfusão: integrative literature review
blood donation, nursing, blood transfusionAbstract
Health care practices are crucial for maintaining the commitment of blood donors and ensuring safe transfusions. These activities include educating individuals on the significance of blood donation and effectively managing transfusion procedures. This literature review aims to underscore the vital role of nurses in advancing community health through fostering donor commitment and ensuring safe transfusions, as demonstrated by an integrative analysis of current literature. By utilizing keywords such as "blood donation”, "nursing” and "blood transfusion” a search was conducted across major databases including the Virtual Health Library (VHL), LILACS, MEDLINE, and SCIELO, covering the period from 2019 to 2023. The review concludes that nurses are indispensable in ensuring the safety and efficacy of blood transfusions, as well as in promoting donor loyalty. With a decline in donor numbers and an increase in associated risks such as infections and disease transmission, the proactive involvement of nurses is essential. They play a pivotal role in raising community awareness about the importance of blood donation and implementing safe practices for blood collection and transfusion. This effort not only enhances individual patient health but also contributes significantly to the overall health of the community.
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