The advances and challenges of digital investigations regarding the evidence provided by media
Digital investigation, Chain of custody, CrimesAbstract
This article examines the advances and challenges of digital investigations between 2014 and 2024, highlighting how emerging technologies have impacted the process of collecting and analyzing digital evidence. The central issue of the research concerns the need for forensic practices and legislation to adapt in response to the growth of cybercrimes and to ensure the legal validity of digital evidence. The primary objective is to analyze the transformations in digital investigative practices, identifying the technologies used, gaps in legislation, and the main obstacles in preserving the chain of custody. The methodology employed consists of a literature review with a qualitative approach and a descriptive objective, investigating academic and legal sources on digital investigation techniques and regulations. It is concluded that, although technological advances have provided more effective tools, challenges persist regarding the volatility of digital evidence and legal adaptation. The implementation of rigorous protocols and the strengthening of the chain of custody are essential to ensure the integrity of evidence and the effectiveness of cyber investigations.
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