The Importance of Physic




ASD; Physical Therapy in Autism Spectrum; Physiotherapy Approach for Autistics.


Physical therapy for individuals with ASD focuses on motor, sensory, and functional development, adapting to individual needs, promoting improvement in quality of life, and integration. This holistic approach includes specific techniques and multidisciplinary collaboration for comprehensive and tailored support. The objectives involve analyzing the holistic approach of physical therapy, evaluating specific intervention strategies, and examining the importance of communication and empathy in therapy for ASD, aiming to understand its influence and effectiveness in improving motor, sensory, and functional skills. A study reviewed 22 articles in the SciELO database on physical therapy in ASD, selecting 5 recent works focused solely on the efficacy of physical therapy as na independent therapy to deepen the discussion. Articles older than 10 years were excluded. Physical therapy in ASD focuses on na adapted holistic approach, intervening in motor and sensory skills, prioritizing empathetic communication to improve quality of life and promote functional independence for individuals.


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Author Biographies

Fabricia Viana de Freitas Máximo, Cruzeiro do Sul, SP, Brasil

Graduanda em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo.

Tamires Freitas da Silva Serafim, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Graduanda em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo.

Fabricio Vieira Cavalcante, University of Brasília

Graduado em Fisioterapia e Saúde Coletiva; Mestre(a) em Saúde Coletiva; Doutor(a) em andamento em Saúde Coletiva.

Laura de Moura Rodrigues, FSG Centro Universitário, RS, Brasil

Graduada em Bacharelado em Fisioterapia; Mestre(a) em Ciências da Saúde.


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How to Cite

MÁXIMO, F. V. de F.; SERAFIM, T. F. da S.; CAVALCANTE, F. V.; RODRIGUES, L. de M. The Importance of Physic. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 15, p. e151688, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i15.1688. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.