Approach to emergency management of critical burn patients: a literature review
Burns, Emergencies, Patients, Critical CareAbstract
Burns are traumas to the skin and other tissues caused by various factors, such as heat and chemicals. These injuries are classified according to their severity, depth, and extent. The home environment is where most incidents occur, predominantly affecting children and the elderly. Adequate recovery requires multifactorial follow-up to help the patient return to their previous functions. This study is an integrative literature review on the emergency approach to critically burned patients. Using keywords, descriptors were cross-referenced and searches were conducted on major platforms. After analyzing the studies, 18 articles published between 2018 and 2024 were selected. Standardizing guidelines for burn management is crucial to achieve the best possible clinical outcome. Initial patient assessment must be thorough and swift, as detecting and correcting complications contribute to a good prognosis, both physically and emotionally. Additionally, the nutritional approach is a decisive factor in the mortality and hospitalization time of burn victims. Therefore, burn victims require a rapid and effective initial approach, as well as personalized nutritional follow-up and targeted preventive and therapeutic actions for infectious conditions.
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