Glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes who practice physical activities and sedetary




Type 2 diabetes, Sedentary lifestyle, Physical exercises, Glycemic control, Physical activities


Introduction: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease that significantly affects the population, is characterized by metabolic disorder and high blood glucose concentrations. Factors such as sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet contribute to this prevalence. Furthermore, it is clear that the need to change the lifestyle of individuals with type 2 DM is a challenge in the treatment of this pathology. Objective: This article aimed to analyze the effects of physical exercise on the glycemic control of patients with type 2 DM, seeking to analyze how its regular practice is beneficial for the glycemic homeostasis of people with type 2 DM. Methodology: This study, which deals with an integrative literature review, allowed the search for articles in the Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo and VHL databases, with inclusion criteria limited to articles published in the last 5 years and exclusion articles in which the title and the summary were not related to the research topic. In total, 20 studies were selected for analysis. Results and discussion: Analysis of study results demonstrates that physical exercise is an important factor in maintaining adequate glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. The evidence found shows that individuals diagnosed with type 2 DM and who practice physical activity have blood glucose levels controlled and more satisfactory treatment. Thus, a sedentary lifestyle and factors such as inadequate nutrition contribute to glycemic imbalance. Conclusion: The analysis developed highlights that a sedentary lifestyle and the consumption of inappropriate foods increase the incidence of lack of glycemic control in the diabetic population. Thus, the importance of regular physical exercise and adequate nutrition to improve the glycemic index, as well as the quality of life of individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Sara Mendonça de Queiroz, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Graduanda em Medicina pelo Centro Univesitário de Patos de Minas – MG, Brasil.

Juliana Lilis da Silva, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Graduada em Ciência da Computação; Mestra em Ciência da Computação.

Kelen Cristina Estavanate de Castro, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Graduada em Nutrição; Mestra em Ciências da; Doutora em Promoção de Saúde.

Natália de Fátima Gonçalves Amancio, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Graduada em Fisioterapia; Mestra em Promoção de Saúde; Doutora em Promoção de Saúde.


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How to Cite

QUEIROZ, S. M. de; SILVA, J. L. da; CASTRO, K. C. E. de; AMANCIO, N. de F. G. Glycemic control of patients with type 2 diabetes who practice physical activities and sedetary . JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 15, p. e151705, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i15.1705. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.