Development of a health education technology for the elderly with systemic arterial hypertension
Hypertension, Health of the elderly, Health promotion, Educational technologyAbstract
Objective: To report the experience of nursing students during the construction of an educational technology for elderly people with systemic arterial hypertension, assisted by primary health care in a municipality in the interior of the state of Amazonas. Methods: This is an experience report study, developed as the final activity of the curricular internship II of the Nursing Course, from January to March 2022. The educational booklet in printed format, linked to a health action plan, emerged from the observation and identification of the difficulty of adherence to the hypertension control program by the elderly. Results: The construction of the technology was based on three stages: situational diagnosis, bibliographic survey and construction of the technology. The educational intervention was carried out with 20 elderly people registered in an area covered by a Family Health Strategy team. Health education is crucial for preventing complications related to hypertension in the elderly. Conclusion: Educational technologies can help in the process of health education for elderly people with chronic diseases. It is possible that by implementing innovative tools containing simple information, changes in lifestyle and adherence to drug and non-drug treatment can occur.
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