The experience report of an extension project: drawing up of business plans for women entrepreneurs in the city of Dianópolis – TO




Entrepreneurship, Feminine, Business plan, Improvement plan


This article consists of an experience report, the result of a university extension project, with the proposal to develop business plans and improvement plans for women entrepreneurs in the city of Dianópolis – TO. This project sought to promote the University's proposal with women entrepreneurs, in the city of Dianópolis, through the development of educational, social and economic actions focusing on female entrepreneurship that concerns businesses created and managed by women. Specifically, businesses born and founded by the residents themselves. The project was conducted through mapping to identify and select women's businesses; preparation of a business plan and improvement plan for two businesses run by women. It is concluded that the strengthening of these entrepreneurs not only contributes to increased profits and the acquisition of new customers, but also promotes a positive social impact on the community, by generating jobs and stimulating the local economy. Furthermore, by supporting female entrepreneurship, the project helps to combat gender inequalities, promoting the inclusion and empowerment of women in the labor market.


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Author Biographies

Denilson Alves Rodrigues, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, TO, BRASIL

Graduando(a) em Ciências Contábeis pela Universidade Estadual do Tocantins - UNITINS, TO, Brasil.

Beatriz Cilene Mafra Neves Bigeli, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, TO, BRASIL

Graduado(a) Direito pela Universidade Católica de Goiás; Especialista em Direito Público-Constitucional e Administrativo, pela Uni Anhanguera; Mestre(a) em Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Regional, pela Unitau; Doutoranda em Direito pela UNESA-RJ.

Maria Regina Teixeira da Rocha, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, TO, BRASIL

Graduado(a) em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Maranhão – UFMA; Mestre(a) em Agriculturas Familiares e Desenvolvimento Sustentável pela Universidade Federal do Par-a - UFPA; Doutor(a) em Desenvolvimento Rural pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS

Gabriel Machado Santos, Universidade Estadual do Tocantins – UNITINS, TO, BRASIL

Graduado(a) em Ciências Contábeis pela Faculdade ITOP e Ciências Econômicas pela Universidade Federal do Tocantins - UFT; Mestre em Propriedade Intelectual e Transferência de Tecnologia para a Inovação pela UFT.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES, D. A.; BIGELI, B. C. M. N.; ROCHA, M. R. T. da; SANTOS, G. M. The experience report of an extension project: drawing up of business plans for women entrepreneurs in the city of Dianópolis – TO. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 15, p. e151777, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i15.1777. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.