Consolidation of the partogram by an obstetric nurse in a natural birth center
Obstetric Nursing, Midwifery, Natural Childbirth, Medical RecordsAbstract
The partogram is the main tool for monitoring normal labor. However, the lack of adherence to this instrument or its incorrect use still is a common practice in the care notice in a lot of birth places. The study aimed is to consolidate the use of the partogram by obstetric nurses in a natural birth center. It is based in a convergent care research as a method, with a qualitative nature, this research try to connect the professional practice and scientific research. The Study was held in a normal birth center of a maternity hospital in the city of Lagarto, the participants are 06 obstetric nurses and 10 obstetric nursing residents. Data collection was occurred using a knowledge questionnaire and training meetings on the use of the partograph. The product of this intervention was the construction of a guidance flowchart for completing the partogram, which improved professionals' adherence, in addition to raising awareness of the importance of the instrument for care practice. Thus, it contributed to opening up discussion on the topic and improve the use of the partograph in labor care.
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