Teacher Training for Early Childhood Education on the Inclusion of Children with ASD
Teacher training, Early childhood education, School inclusion, ASDAbstract
Teacher training has been widely discussed in various spaces, especially in the education sector, as a way of promoting advances in education, especially when it comes to the inclusion of children with disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The aim of this study was to do mapping the training of early childhood education teachers in the inclusion of children with ASD. As a methodology, a survey was carried out in the CAPES Journal Portal database between 2018 and 2024 using the following descriptors: teacher training, ASD and early childhood education, thus 16 papers were found, of which only 3 were directly related to the theme. It was found that there is still little research on the inclusion of children with ASD in schools; it was observed that, although continuing training is important, there is a need for coordination between the state, the school, teachers and parents in order to promote the development of students. It was also pointed out that the training supports the teachers, giving them a theoretical basis for teaching children with ASD. Thus, it can be concluded that there are few articles on the subject studied, which demonstrates the need for more research that relates training for early childhood education teachers and children with ASD, so that there is greater and better elucidations on the training of early childhood education teachers from the perspective of school inclusion
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