Nutritional Screening and Diagnostic Instruments in Cancer Patients: An Integrative and Contemporary Approach.
Nutritional assessment, Nutritional Status, Protein-Calorie Malnutrition, Neoplasms, Hospital Nutrition ServiceAbstract
Cancer represents a complex condition with significant global prevalence, affecting approximately 1 in 5 people. Malnutrition, closely associated with the disease, can vary between 20% and 80% of cases, directly impacting the therapeutic outcomes and quality of life of patients. The present study aims to analyze and integrate contemporary instruments for nutritional screening and diagnosis in cancer patients, aiming to understand their characteristics, applicability and potential contributions to nutritional management. This is an integrative bibliographic review carried out between November 2023 and October 2024. Databases such as SciELO, Pubmed, and Lilacs were used, with inclusion criteria for studies published between 2014-2024, involving adults and older adults with cancer, in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Instruments such as NRS-2002, Graz Malnutrition Screening (GMS), AND-ASPEN and GLIM were identified, each with specific characteristics of nutritional screening and diagnosis. The MSG showed greater sensitivity compared to the NRS-2002, while the GLIM method proved to be robust for diagnosing moderate and severe malnutrition. The results highlighted the complexity of oncological nutritional assessment, highlighting the importance of multidisciplinary approaches and standardized instruments for early identification of nutritional risks. It is recommended to implement integrated protocols that combine multiple instruments, potentially reducing morbidity and mortality and improving the quality of life of cancer patients.
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