Health education on the use of Naltrexone as an adherence strategy in alcohol and other drug users: a systematic review
Health education, Naltrexone, Alcohol, Mental health, DrugsAbstract
Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of health education on adherence to Naltrexone in the context of Alcohol and Other Drugs (AD). Methodology: A systematic review of articles indexed in the BVS, PUBMED and SCIELO databases was carried out and the findings were treated through thematic analysis. Results: Of the 81 studies identified in the three databases, 5 articles were selected according to the inclusion criteria. The evidence extracted from these articles allowed the formulation of four relevant themes: 1- Adherence to Naltrexone and Health Education: highlighting the importance of informing and educating patients to improve adherence to treatment; 2 - Changes in Psychoactive Substance Use Behavior: highlighting how interventions can positively influence these behaviors; 3 - Educational Impact of Health Professionals: the articles also explored the transformative impact of education promoted by nurses and pharmacists, highlighting the role of these professionals in improving community health; 4 - Influence of the Administration Method on Medication Adherence: suggesting that the way the medication is administered may be a crucial factor for the success of the treatment. Conclusion: The studies included in this systematic review indicate that health education by nurses and pharmacists as members of the multidisciplinary team significantly impacts patient adherence to medication. The need for further studies is highlighted in order to investigate the potential impact of the use of Naltrexone by the Brazilian population that abuses psychoactive substances.
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