Efficacy of music therapy as a care tool in Nursing
Music Therapy, Education, Nursing CareAbstract
Music therapy is performed through the reproduction of music, creation of sounds or stimulation of musical composition and can bring several health benefits, acting to reduce physical and psychological symptoms, in addition to promoting an improvement in quality of life. The objective of the study was to verify the evidence available in the literature on the effectiveness of music therapy as a tool for education and care in nursing. This is an integrative literature review, carried out in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Nursing Database (BDENF) databases, between october and november 2023, selecting primary studies, with open access between the years 2019 to 2023 and carried out in practice settings. A total of 12 articles were selected and three categories were identified: Music therapy and its meanings; Music therapy and its clinical interface and Music therapy in palliative care. Music therapy has shown positive results in hemodynamic and ventilatory parameters, anxiety, fear, loneliness, isolation, mood, depression, well-being and socialization. It aided in the development of cognition, attention, memory and relaxation and provided a safe, stimulating and playful environment, favoring interaction and feelings with family and friends. It is concluded that music therapy has a significant impact on the physical, emotional and social aspects of individuals, being an effective tool for nursing care.
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