Nutritional and sociodemographic profile of elderly patients with dementia hospitalized in a specialized palliative care unit
Nutritional assessment, palliative care, dementia, malnutrition, food intakeAbstract
Introduction: There has been an increase in dementia syndromes, which are among the most disabling in the elderly. The palliative care approach becomes imperative, as it aims to improve the quality of life of patients/families with a serious disease that threatens the continuity of life. This study aimed to describe the nutritional and sociodemographic profile of elderly patients with dementia hospitalized in a specialized palliative care unit and to correlate the nutritional profile of patients with clinical outcome. Methods: Cross-sectional, prospective and analytical study, with a sample of 46 elderly patients with dementia and age ≥ 60 years, admitted to a hospital specialized in palliative care. The sample characterization data, nutritional aspects, functionality scales (PPS and FAST), clinical outcome and length of hospitalization were analyzed. Results: The majority were female (52.17%), aged > 80 years (78.26%), with the most frequent etiologies being Alzheimer's dementia (28.26%) and FAST 7 (78.7%). The most common nutritional diagnosis was severe malnutrition (47.82%), followed by moderate malnutrition (43.48%). The most prevalent feeding route was enteral (47.83%), followed by oral (41%). Of the participants, 86.96% died during the study. Malnutrition was not related to death (p=0.347); however, there was a correlation between the prescribed enteral volume (p=0.031) and the outcome of death, so that smaller volumes were more frequent in patients with this outcome. Conclusion: The prevalence of malnutrition in 91.3% of the sample stands out, as well as a significant correlation between the lowest volume of enteral diet and death. There is a lack of knowledge on the part of health professionals regarding the appropriate indication of the feeding route for these patients, given the high prevalence of enteral nutrition, originating from units that are not specialized in palliative care.
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