Parents and caregivers' perception of the performance of the multidisciplinary team in a pediatric intensive care unit
Patient care team. Intensive Care Units, Pediatric. Patient Care.Abstract
Introduction: By implementing the National Humanization Policy (PNH), integrated and individualized care became a greater concern in health. Aiming for greater effectiveness in the user's therapeutic plan, health services expanded care through other non-medical professionals and non-nurses. The presence of the multidisciplinary team in the intensive care unit (ICU) favors humanized care and meets the needs of each patient with multi and interdisciplinary care. Objective: To evaluate companions’ knowledge about the work of professionals in the multidisciplinary team. Methodology: This is a prospective, cross-sectional exploratory study, where a questionnaire was applied to assess the knowledge of caregivers in the pediatric ICU of the Hospital Materno Infantil de Brasília, about the professionals and their respective activities. Data collection took place from March to August 2024. Results: 60 parents/companions were interviewed, of which 96.66% were female and 3.33% were male. The sample showed that 60% were in an ICU for the first time and 40% had prior knowledge of an ICU. Knowledge about the activities of some professions, such as doctors, nurses and physiotherapists, demonstrates knowledge prior to the professional's experience in the ICU. Conclusion: A higher level of knowledge was observed regarding the professions that make up the minimum mandatory team in the ICU, while the other professions in the multidisciplinary team have a low understanding of their professional role.
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