Assessment of adductor pollicis muscle thickness as a predictor of protein energy wasting in patients on maintenance hemodialysis




Body composition, Renal dialysis, Renal insufficiency, Protein-energy wasting, Kidney diseases


Introduction: Protein energy wasting (PEW) in individuals with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common condition, with multifactorial etiology and related to morbidity and mortality. For diagnosis, the assessment of the adductor pollicis muscle thickness (APMT) is an effective and easily applicable method. Objective: to evaluate APMT as a predictor of PEW in individuals on hemodialysis (HD). Methods: observational, cross-sectional study, with CKD individuals undergoing HD more than 3 months, both sexes, over 18 years old, in a nephrology unit in the Federal District. Clinic data were collected, present comorbidities and dialysis vintage through information in medical records. The APMT was collected on the hand on the opposite side to the vascular access using the adipometer. PEW was performed by applying the 7-point Subjective Global Assessment (7p-SGA) and the Malnutriton Inflammation Score (MIS). Results: the sample was 30 participants, mean age 56.23±13.68 years, 17 (57%) adults, 15 (50%) male, 26 (87%) had hypertension and 13 (43%) diabetes. According to the 7p-SGA, 13 (43%) of the participants presented some level of malnutrition. APMT showed moderate positive correlation with 7p-SGA (rho = 0,5; p<0,001) and moderate negative correlation with MIS (rho= -0,5; p<0,001). By Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve, APMT was a predictor of PEW, with area of 0.805, sensitivity of 76.5%, specificity of 69.2% and cutoff point of 11.66 mm. Conclusion: APMT was associated with nutritional markers and was a predictor of PEW in individuals on HD.


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Author Biographies

Andressa Lemes de Assis, Escola de Saúde Pública do Distrito Federal, DF, Brasil

Graduado(a) em Nutrição pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG).

Anna Clara Gomes de Araújo, Escola de Saúde Pública do Distrito Federal, DF, Brasil

Graduado(a) em Nutrição pelo Centro Universitário do Distrito Federal (UDF

Cristiane dos Santos Timboni, Escola de Saúde Pública do Distrito Federal, DF, Brasil

Graduado(a) em Nutrição pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB).

Sheila Borges, Escola de Saúde Pública do Distrito Federal, DF, Brasil

Graduado(a) em Nutrição pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG). Mestre em Ciências da Saúde pela Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde (ESCS).


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How to Cite

ASSIS, A. L. de; ARAÚJO, A. C. G. de; TIMBONI, C. dos S.; BORGES, S. Assessment of adductor pollicis muscle thickness as a predictor of protein energy wasting in patients on maintenance hemodialysis. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 8, n. 18, p. e081910, 2025. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v8i18.1910. Disponível em: Acesso em: 1 mar. 2025.