Covid-19. Pharmacist.Protection.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the level of tolerance in friendship relationships among health professionals during the COVID-1Objective: to demonstrate the difficulties encountered by pharmacists in the face of the coronavirus pandemic; check if there are measures that support pharmacists; seek possibilities for a safe performance of professionals in times of pandemic. Method: This is a bibliographic approach, where the study in question will use, in conjunction with the method, the field research in which information will be collected for 20 pharmacists through a sociodemographic questionnaire; a semi-structured questionnaire that had made it possible to analyze the day-to-day life of pharmacists from various care units, the research base will be through the analysis of scientific works related to this theme, using the MedLine, Scielo database. Results: In view of the theme studied, the results presented refer to content collected from the application of a questionnaire to 10 pharmacists, in order to raise the difficulties encountered by professionals in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Conclusion: Through the investigation, it is concluded that professionals in the pharmaceutical field had to adapt in a record way to be able to meet the demands and adaptations imposed by the Ministry of Health against the coronavirus. Therefore, it is interesting to emphasize the need for studies related to changes in the population’s behavior and the accurate knowledge about the ways of prevention and care with the Covid-19 virus.
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