Nursing. Palliative. Care. Death. Intensive Care Unit.Abstract
Identify the difficulties experienced by intensive care nurses in the Palliative Care (PC) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This is an integrative review of the literature conducted in the SCIELO, LILACS and BDENF databases. For the construction of the guiding question, the PICO strategy and was used PRISMA flowchart was used for the analysis of the results. The searches covered the period from 2015 to 2020, and the articles available in Portuguese and in full. Thus, 10 articles were selected for analysis through narrative synthesis. It can be seen that there are several difficulties experienced by nurses in the face of palliative approach in the ICU, ranging from the barriers resulting from the hospital itself, such as the lack of protocols that help in the implementation of palliative care as well as communication difficulties between the multiprofissional team and the family members of patients. It was also evident the unpreparedness of nurses in graduation in the face of the dying process and the difficulty in managing their feelings. It is observed that nurses are an important agent in palliative care and that there are many challenges in nursing this context, so it is necessary to prepare nurses from graduation, to deal with terminal situations, which will enable more adequate nursing care and less suffering of those involved.
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