


Circular economy. Sustainability. Certifications. Circular economy strategies. Public policies


Based on current sustainability challenges, the concept of circular economy was developed as a new approach to thinking about the linear economic cycle of material extraction, use of inputs in production and sale. The circular economy seeks to reduce costs, preserve scarce material resources or recycle materials. It is a set of strategies that underpin some public policies and make available financial resources for sustainable development projects that achieve economic, but also environmental and social impacts reaching a better quality of life for all. The current work seeks a method of certification for the circular economy, to communicate to customers voluntary sustainability actions of companies and economic organizations and monitor their voluntary advances. The research methodology is bibliographic and results in an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of different certifications. The results allow us to say that we are still far from a solution and an adequate certification for the


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Author Biography

Alessandro Aveni, Universidade de Brasília, UnB, DF, Brasil

Pós doutorando Propriedade Intelectual Profnit rede nacional.  Doutor em Administração na Itália, certificado pela UNB. Mestre em Geografia e Graduação em Administração pela UnB. Docente na Universidade de Brasília – UnB e na Faculdade Processus.


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How to Cite

AVENI, A. . CIRCULAR ECONOMY. A SURVEY ON CERTIFICATIONS. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 4, n. 9, p. 236–256, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5142187. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 dec. 2024.