Vulvovaginal candidiasis. Prophylaxis. Relapse.Abstract
The difficulties encountered by women in the prevention of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Issue: The lack of preventive measures for candidiasis hinders the woman's well-being, her intimate life and her relationships. Hypothesis: One of the hypotheses addressed in this research is that women mistake the signs and symptoms with other diseases, since most do not seek or delay to look for assistance from a health professional, making the treatment incorrectly, causing relapses. Another hypothesis is poor nutrition, tight clothing and poor cleaning of areas and underwear. Aim: To understand the difficulties encountered by women in the prevention of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Rationale: To bring more knowledge to nursing professionals, to science and society. Methods: Systematic review of the literature by means of qualitative approach, in which the study sites were scientific articles on bases of Latin American, Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), online magazines and the Ministry of Health scientific productions. Finding: Brought the difficult routine of a woman that makes her unable to adapt to the changes of daily life so that she does not contract vulvovaginal candidiasis. Thus, the number only increases relapse, causing inconvenience to her. Outcome: Given the difficulties faced by women against candidiasis, can cite the related problem of size, especially the prophylaxis and recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis present in the vaginal flora, often associated with lack of information and proper guidance
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