Resistance. Bacterial. AntibioticsAbstract
Bacterial resistance shows the ability of bacteria to resist the action of antibiotics, when a certain pathology is treated with any antibiotic or the incorrect antibiotic, a formation of strong bacteria occurs, other means of bacteria formation is the incomplete treatment. Another point is bacterial resistance to antibiotics are bacteria that survive even when certain antibiotics are used. Bacteria can acquire the gene that fights antibiotics, there is a possibility of mutations in the bacteria. Antibiotics - are antibibacterial, divided into: bactericidal and bacteriostatic. Antibiotics can be defined as natural or synthetic compounds. Place of action of antibiotics:Cell wall- B- LACTAMICS, which are penicillins, cephalosporic, B lactamines are associated with other compounds, such as clavulanic acid. Cell wall- GLYCOPEPTIDES, which are vancomycin, which kill gram + bacteria, they act by binding to amino acids. Protein synthesis - macrolide antibiotics, tetracycline, synthesis of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), antibiotics, metronidozole, quinolone, rifaminic, sulfonamide, trimetropin
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