The nurse's role on the complications caused by Covid-19 in the hospital environment
Professional Burnout. Psychological Burnout. Coronavirus Infections. Nurses.Abstract
The nurse is seen as a large workforce in the health field, reflecting the know-how, in times of pandemic its importance is highlighted, but complications arose along this path. Objective: To analyze the role of nurses regarding complications caused by Covid-19 in the hospital environment; Methods: this is an integrative literature review, prepared with articles from the Latin American Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences and Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online databases, and the Scientific Electronic Library Online library. Results; 14 articles published between 2016 and 2021 were selected. These presented the role of the nurse on complications in the hospital environment and in the context caused by a Covid-19.; Conclusion: in the case of complications caused by Covid-19, nurses exercise their profession in the excellence of care provided to patients in the work environment, requiring resoluteness in the midst of the problems presented.
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