Treatment of radiodermatitis in patients with breast cancer and the importance of nursing care
Breast Cancer. Radiotherapy. Radiodermatitis.Abstract
Introduction: Radiotherapy is one of the main modalities of treatment for breast cancer, with significant effects in reducing recurrence rates and increasing survival. Despite advances in radiation techniques, patients commonly suffer from adverse effects, such as radiodermatitis. Objectives: To describe the treatments indicated in the management of radiodermatitis in women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy and the importance of nursing care. Methodology: This is an integrative literature review study, in the period 2016-2022, through a survey in electronic databases in SCIELO (Scientific Eletronic Library Online), LILACS (Latin American Center for Health Information) and BDENF (Nursing Database). Eight articles were selected based on a critical analysis and relevance to the suggested theme. These presented a variety of treatments in the management of radiodermatitis in patients with breast cancer and the importance of nursing care in the prevention and treatment of RD. Conclusion: The research contributed to the identification of several products tested for the prevention and treatment of radiodermatitis in breast cancer patients, although they have been shown to be beneficial to the skin undergoing treatment for DR, none of the studies showed efficacy in preventing DR at any time. The management of DR should be based on scientific evidence through clinical skin care practices. The nurse specialist is responsible for the essential care to the patient undergoing radiotherapy, allows the promotion of better treatment conditions, offering necessary support that favors the reduction of side effects, improved quality of life and treatment success.
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