Gamification – a possibility for student engagement and protagonism
Gamification. Student Protagonism. Game. Digital age. Basic education.Abstract
The school is currently confronted with the need for a change in its pedagogical paradigm. Today, she doesn't just have to present information, she needs to work with the information that students bring to the classroom. These students, born in the digital age, are used to dynamism, agility, technology and a willingness to act. Faced with this new reality, gamification emerges as an effective possibility to bring engagement, protagonism to this student who enters the school with the possibility of research in his hand, with the impetuosity to face challenges and with the desire to have learning through pleasurable means. , playful and rewarding. The study was based on the search for important differentiations for the theme in question, turning to theorists specialized in the subject and on the presentation of an example of gamification carried out in a school unit in the Federal District. The results indicate that gamification provided greater integration of students and allowed an effective interaction in activities; thus intensifying the experience with the ludic, the productive learning, the collaborative participation; thus providing student protagonism.
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