How to write and publish a scientific article: a literature review
Scientific writing, Scientific article, Scientific publicationAbstract
Objective: Conduct a literature review, analyzing the stages of the development process of a scientific article until its publication. Bibliographic review: The first steps in scientific writing are preparation, with the definition of the topic to be studied, the objectives to be achieved and the topics to be addressed. The structure of the articles is relatively constant and the approach to the topics has a sequence called "IMRAD", used in most articles, where: I - Introduction, M - Methods (or Methods and Materials), R - Results, A - do English (and) and D – Discussion and Conclusion. We started writing the article by the materials and methods. In the results we put the data found, but without interpreting them. In the discussion section we correlated the data with the literature. The introduction should explain the topic of the article and its importance to the scientific community. In the summary we write the main parts of the introduction, including its objectives. A brief summary of the method used and the main results of the research. Final considerations: Writing and publishing scientific articles is a challenge. But every health professional with patience and technique will succeed.
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