Hypertension. Sodium. Nutritional information.Abstract
Objective:The objective of this work was to analyze the sodium content of six brands of meat thin-crust meat and compare the results with the values declared by the manufacturers, as well as to verify if there is a difference between the values found in the different brands. Methods: The samples were collected in supermarkets of the region and for the determination the method of the Mohr Method was used, which consists of the titration of the sample previously incinerated in a muffle furnace with 0.1N silver nitrate solution for the quantification of the amount of chlorides which were subsequently converted to reach the sodium values in mg / 100g. Results: Samples B, C, E and F presented sodium values above the declared in the nutritional information, respectively: 1.36, 44.44, 52.63 and 24.34%. However samples A and D presented values of -17.56 and -3.21% respectively. Conclusion: It was concluded that more than 66% of the samples presented sodium values above those declared by the manufacturers indicating the need for greater care of the companies and greater performance of the competent bodies for the adequacy of these foods to the legislation and thus be safer for the consumer.
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