Indicatives of student learning acquired through the theoretical and practical remote and face-to-face project
Knowledge, Methodologies, Practical Theoretical ProjectAbstract
The theme of this article is “Perception of appropriation of knowledge by students assimilated through the Theoretical-Practical Project”. The following problem was investigated: What are the potentialities and difficulties in the execution of the Theoretical-Practical Project, comparing remote and face-to-face teaching, developed at the Institute for Educational Development of Bagé – IDEAU. The general objective was to evaluate the potentialities and difficulties of teaching and learning of the students of the first semester of the veterinary medicine course at IDEAU using the assembly project of a domestic animal skeleton relating the animal anatomy and physiology. The specific objectives were: To identify the methodologies used in the project; characterize remote and face-to-face teaching; evaluate the strengths and difficulties faced by students through the execution of the Theoretical-Practical Project (PATP); assess the potential of the PATP. The interest in the subject is justified by the fact that this work approaches the experiences, practices and observations, which are of fundamental importance, to contribute with a better development and use of the students, with regard to the theory put into practice through the Project Theoretical Practical. It was concluded that evaluating the potentialities and difficulties in the execution of a project is necessary, as well as searching and researching the necessary content for its application, which enables a more in-depth knowledge related to theory and practice. Thus ensuring plausible and relevant adaptations, to improve both the development of projects in general, and the theoretical and practical learning of students during the process.
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