Protocol for clinical management and surveillance in cases of streptococcus suis outbreak in weaned piglets
Streptococcus suis, Pigs, Risk factors, MortalityAbstract
Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is one of the major pathogens in pig farming, causing high economic losses, high mortality, weight loss of animals and high cost in treatments. This research aims to accompany the development of a monitoring system for young animals in a region that registers constant outbreaks of S. suis, allowing a detailed analysis of the spread of the disease, the identification of the age with the greatest involvement, as well as the rate of mortality within the flock. The study was carried out with a sample of 942 weaned piglets, with an average age of 24 days and an approximate weight of 5.06 kg. Monitoring of the animals was carried out, those with onset of symptoms suggestive of infection were medicated following an injectable drug protocol, with the clinical sign of choice for starting treatment was arthritis and/or motor incoordination. At the end of the experiment, total mortality was 204 piglets (21.65% of the batch), the highest mortality rate occurred in the 4th week after weaning, when the animals were in the 7th week of life.
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