Nursing assistance in gestational hypertensive syndromes: an integrative review
Hypertensive Syndromes, Gestational Hypertension, Pre-eclampsia, Eclampsia, Pregnancy complications, RevisionAbstract
Introduction: Gestational hypertensive syndromes are one of the most important complications of pregnancy and the postpartum period. It is characterized by blood pressure equal to or greater than 140/90mmHg and is classified as gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, chronic hypertension, eclampsia and pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension. Objective: to carry out an integrative review research on gestational hypertensive syndromes, risk factors that lead to pregnant hypertension and specifically addresses nursing care. Method: This is an integrative review, carried out in the SciELO, SCOPUS, COCHRANE, LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL and Google Scholar databases, in October 2023. The descriptors were used SUMMARY: syndrome and pregnancy hypertension, combined with the Boolean operator AND. 135 articles were found and 16 were selected. Results: 16 articles were selected, where the predominance of research was in SciELO, the majority reporting nursing care for women affected by hypertensive syndromes. Conclusion: The present study allowed us to conclude that hypertensive syndromes during pregnancy, both chronic arterial hypertension and gestational hypertension, increased the risk of unfavorable perinatal outcome (SGA, low Apgar in the 1st and 5th minutes, neonatal infection, SAM, prematurity and SAR).
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