Nursing care for patients diagnosed with breast cancer
Breast cancer, Nursing care, Nursing consultationAbstract
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the female population, regardless of the therapeutic interventions of choice, including the radical mastectomy procedure. It is necessary to draw up the following categories in order to obtain care plans: self-care, humanized care to provide adequate knowledge about the disease and its respective treatment, inclusion of the family in the process that the woman is going through and all the preparation of the nursing team in the process of coping with the disease (Breast Cancer). Given the significance of the topic, with the aim of knowing and identifying the care provided by nursing professionals, this study made use of bibliographic research in the form of a literature review on the following topic: nursing care for patients diagnosed with breast cancer, in addition, a semi-structured interview was carried out with nurses from the municipality of Campestre, in the interior of Alagoas, to better understand the care provided by these professionals to patients diagnosed with breast cancer. In conclusion, we found that nurses are important professionals in the current context of coping with cancer, and that they need to provide support to women affected by breast cancer. Their role is fundamental at all stages, from the moment the diagnosis is revealed to the period of treatment and, if necessary, pre- and post-operative mastectomy. It is also part of their role to work in health promotion spaces.
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