Importance of Self-Care in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
Self-care, Diabetes Millitus, Health promotionAbstract
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is one of the most prevalent health problems in society and is characterized as a challenge for public health in the 21st century, as it is a chronic, multifactorial and systemic disease. The high prevalence of DM as well as its complications points to the urgency of investment in prevention, control and longitudinal care, in addition to a series of timely and effective actions by health professionals. However, in addition to the care provided by health professionals, it is necessary to discuss other practices that tend to improve patients' quality of life, such as self-care. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the importance of self-care in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. 14 scientific articles published between 2013 and 2022 were selected, 3 in a foreign language (English) and 8 national. The USP School of Nursing Magazine and the Reference Nursing Magazine contributed most to the sample, with two articles published in each. It was therefore evident that to prevent diabetes-related morbidity and mortality, there is an immense need for dedicated self-care behaviors in multiple domains, including food choices, physical activity, adequate medication intake and monitoring of patients' blood glucose.
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