Hope when falling ill with cancer: analysis of hope as a resource for coping with cancer for cancer patients
Neoplasms, Cancer patient, Emotional adjustment, Adaptation strategy, HopeAbstract
Cancer diagnosis is still seen as a death sentence, despite advances in medicine. The psychological balance of the person diagnosed is threatened. This study aimed to recognize hope in cancer patients (optimistic expectations for the future) as a coping resource. Ten patients admitted to a hospital with an oncological diagnosis confirmed through anatomopathological examinations were interviewed. A sociodemographic questionnaire, semi-structured interview script and the Herth Hope Scale (HEE) were used. Frequency and percentage calculations socio-demographically characterized the sample. Data from the semi-structured interview were tabulated, using Qualitative Epistemology and the constructive method to understand subjective human processes. Of the interviewees, four men and six women aged between 37 and 76 years old, two were white, six were mixed race and two were black, four were single, five were married and one was widowed. One individual had no formal education, one had completed higher education and the rest had secondary education; three employees under the CLT regime, four informal workers, one retired, one self-employed, and one housewife; two with income equal to the minimum wage, five higher and three lower than this reference. The patients' primary oncological diagnoses were varied: cervix, prostate, gastric, breast and testicle. Most patients had been diagnosed less than six months ago and were being treated with chemotherapy alone and chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy and surgery. It was found that the cancer patients participating in this study demonstrated satisfactory levels of hope, showing optimism in relation to life and recognizing the importance of each day, showing the ability to evoke memories of happy and pleasurable moments and to find comfort and support in faith in moments challenges in illness. Hope presented itself as a coping strategy, with elements focused on spirituality and the emotional support network.
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