The relevance of the paliativist nurse in the pediatric icu, valuing the interaction between the family and the child in the process that leads to terminality of life
Nursing in Pediatric ICU, terminality of life, anticipatory grief, humanized welcomeAbstract
This study proposes a reflection on the end of life and fear of death, which is very present in the daily life of hospital institutions, especially in the Intensive Care Units (ICU). Death is frequent in hospitals and there is a certain lack of preparation among professionals to face it and deal with pain and suffering. The experience of the nursing team in a Pediatric ICU is not enough to accept the death of a child, which generates feelings such as guilt, failure and denial of death. This proximity to death can bring anguish and undermine a person's ability to bear an irreversible diagnosis. Palliative care emerged as a therapeutic modality whose philosophy is to improve the quality of life of patients and families in coping with life-threatening illnesses, through the prevention and relief of physical, psychosocial and spiritual suffering. Since there is no possibility of cure, it is up to the patient and family to receive all the necessary care during the terminal phase. This descriptive and exploratory bibliographic article aims to address the importance of the palliative nurse's role in the Pediatric ICU, valuing the interaction between the family and the child in a process that leads to the end of life. As for the specific objectives, we reflect on the nurse's experience in monitoring death in the Pediatric ICU; we describe the exhausting process of death/dying for those who care and for those who are cared for; and we describe the importance of palliative care as a more humanized action. At the end of the article, it was observed that it is essential for the patient as well as their family members to provide support in favor of humanized care for these subjects, seeking a better quality of life in the face of this situation that is full of fears, uncertainties and anguish. because they are facing a terminal illness.
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