The strategic use of digital social networks in the vehicle sector on a neigborhood of Salvador
Competitive intelligence, Networks, Baixa de Quintas (Salvador-Bahia)Abstract
Objective: Point to the possibilities for competitive improvement of micro-enterprises in the vehicle sector in the Baixa de Quintas neighborhood and surrounding areas in Salvador, Bahia, based on the strategic use of digital social networks. Method: Analytical with the application of Competitive Intelligence - IC and geoprocessing tools, statistics and the formation of Clusters, that is, clusters in networks. Originality/Relevance: Using social networks appropriately and assertively is still a theoretical and practical challenge. Solutions using geoprocessing are interesting and suitable for understanding clusters and their use in the decision-making process.
Results: There was company mortality, but less than expected during the period of the Covid 19 pandemic and the use of digital network tools can lead to the growth and reinforcement of intra and inter cluster networks, improving the competitiveness of these micro-enterprises; and that 67.24% of companies in this location still do not use websites or social networks, but all use Whattsapp as a customer service tool.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The application of Competitive Intelligence and Geoprocessing brings innovation in the way of analyzing and elaborating on the use of social networks as a strategic tool. Social/management contributions: Companies can use this knowledge to improve their network activities, understanding the functioning and belonging to the cluster and being able to have a more assertive decision-making process.
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