Use of digital information technologies in the teaching and learning process of deaf students
digital technologies, teaching, learning, deaf student, educationAbstract
The article aims to analyze the contribution of the use of digital technologies in the teaching and learning process of deaf students in the context of inclusive education. To this end, the research aims to show the use of different digital technologies that can be used as an effective tool in the educational training process of deaf students, among many we can mention the computer, a technology that highly enhances the learning of deaf subjects. The methodology used in the research was guided through a qualitative and bibliographic approach. The results and discussion advocate a dialogue where it is evident that the use of digital technologies becomes opportune in teaching and learning from an inclusive vision. Therefore, the inclusion of deaf people in the school environment suggests an action guided by a specific methodology, therefore, the deaf learn in the visual-spatial modality, therefore, the use of the computer makes learning accessible to deaf subjects. Given the readings that already exist in the discussion axis, different software can be listed that are of great relevance for teaching deaf people through these types of resources that are already available. Therefore, what must be incorporated into the theoretical repertoire is the commitment to develop the necessary knowledge, both in teachers and students, to be able to manage learning, through various tools that can facilitate the learning process of the subjects involved under the inclusive perspective.
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