Connecting Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in 21st Century Education
artificial intelligence, education, teacher training, educational inequalities, technology in educationAbstract
This article addresses the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, highlighting challenges and opportunities inherent in this transformation. Based on a robust theoretical and methodological foundation, we analyze the perceived resistance to adopting AI tools, revealing gaps in teacher training that hinder the full integration of this technology into educational practices. We propose strategies to overcome this challenge, such as promoting continuous education, encouraging active participation of teachers in the development and implementation of AI tools, and fostering collaboration between teachers and students. Exploring the global landscape, we emphasize disparities between developed and developing countries in adopting AI in education. Infrastructure limitations, financial resource scarcity, and a lack of technological skills are challenges faced mainly by less developed nations. We propose that educational policies consider these barriers, focusing on investments in infrastructure and teacher training. In the realm of challenges, we discuss the excessive dependence on AI, warning of potential impacts on students' autonomy and creativity, along with ethical concerns related to privacy and algorithmic bias. We emphasize the need to address these concerns ethically and equitably, promoting policies and practices that ensure the responsible use of AI in education. The results highlight the importance of a careful and deliberate approach to integrating AI into education, aiming at educational development and the well-being of those involved in the teaching-learning process. The article concludes with a call to action for educators, researchers, policymakers, and society at large, emphasizing the need for collaborative and long-term commitment to harness the full potential of AI in transforming education.
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