Digital literacy from the perspective of teachers in the context of a pandemic: an experience report based on the experiences of the pedagogical coordinator




digital literacy, teachers, pandemic, digital resources


The pandemic context caused by COVID-19 has emerged into a reality of social distancing, causing schools to close. A common recommendation worldwide was the maintenance of classes remotely, with one of the alternatives found being the adoption of digital technologies. However, access to these tools is not the reality for most students, both in the Brazilian and global context. In this sense, the combination of strategies to continue the academic year was a way of welcoming institutions towards families. In this combination of strategies, technology has been used as a great ally. For a long time, schools in a general context had been ignoring digital culture in the educational space, but suddenly, the pandemic imposed this rupture, introducing teachers to a process of digital literacy. This article consists of an experience report with the aim of describing the appropriation and use of digital resources by teachers in the context of a pandemic as a way of continuing the teaching-learning processes based on the author's experiences as a pedagogical coordinator of a school institution. This appropriation and use of digital resources by teachers is analyzed from the perspective of digital literacy. Thus, it is understood that teachers, based on their constructions regarding digital literacy, will be able to provide digital literacy experiences to students.


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Author Biography

Paula Marchesini, University of Caxias Do Sul

Graduada em Licenciatura Plena em Ciências/Biologia. Graduada em Pedagogia. Pós-graduada em Supervisão Escolar e Neuropsicopedagogia e Educação Inclusiva; Mestra em Educação.


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How to Cite

MARCHESINI, P. Digital literacy from the perspective of teachers in the context of a pandemic: an experience report based on the experiences of the pedagogical coordinator. JRG Journal of Academic Studies, Brasil, São Paulo, v. 7, n. 17, p. e171431, 2024. DOI: 10.55892/jrg.v7i17.1432. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.