The role of the pharmacist to control self-medication in adults
Self-medication. Polypharmacy. Pharmacist duties.Abstract
Introduction: Self-medication is the choice and use of medicines to treat certain symptoms and diseases and is related to self-diagnosis. It presents a relationship with polypharmacy and implies harm to adult health. General objective: Expose the importance of the pharmacist for the control of self-medication in adults through a literature review. Specific objectives: -Conceptualizing self-medication pointing out its harm to adult health; - Explain the main pathologies that lead adults to self-medicate; - Analyze the attributions of the pharmacist related to self-medication; - Highlight strategies that promote the reduction of health problems caused by self-medication.Methodology: This was a literature review.Results: Eight scientific articles were used, presenting the objectives and results in a table format, facilitating the reader's understanding. Conclusion: It is noted that self-medication is strongly consolidated by easy access to the internet, interaction on the web often exposes the user to wrong information about the method of treatment of a given disease or symptom, in addition, polypharmacy aggravates the patient's clinical condition, since self-medication and polypharmacy have a parallel relationship.
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