Integrating Meaningful Learning Theory: The Use of Concept Maps for Theoretical Understanding and Application
Meaningful Learning Theory, Concept Maps, Teaching and LearningAbstract
This work investigated the students' ability to understand and apply the principles of the Theory of Meaningful Learning (SAD) through the elaboration of Concept Maps as a tool in the Teaching and Learning process. The application took place with the participation of ten students from a public university in Amazonas, for which a class on TAS was taught and the students were divided into groups to create the maps. From the analysis of these maps, the results indicate that, although the students demonstrate understanding of the concepts of SAD, the structures of the concept maps varied in terms of clarification and organization. The group that created the map with the most connecting words demonstrated a deeper understanding of SAD. This study used Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA) to analyze the concept maps, providing insights for the improvement of pedagogical practice in the teaching of SAD through concept maps.
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