The trajectory from hygiene to health: the applicability of the theatrical approach as a tool for scientific literacy
Health Education, Scientific literacy, Sanitary Education, Theater, ArtAbstract
Health Education, Scientific literacy, Sanitary Education and its preventive measures have been widely discussed over the past decades. It brings up a necessary reflection in order to remedy certain failures that have been occurring for a considerably amount of time now, and that harm their practice. With art, more specifically the theatrical making, it is possible to find a solution, making the practice more effective. This study is a production of a theater dramaturgy aimed at children and preteens, in order to deliver health prevention content. In the story, Luna sings up for the science fair at her school for which she programmed her own video game. The big bosses are Corona Virus, Measles, E. Coli and Giardia Lamblia. The unexpected happens and the microorganisms make it out of the game into real life. Luna counts on her teacher to save herself and her friends. The dramaturgy delivers this educational content with a ludic approach and is available for free use as a learning tool.
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