This article presents preliminary results of the project "Other Words", a project that includes a long research and intervention with vulnerable populations. In this contact, we seek to develop differentiated methods of psychosocial care, supporting us in a theoretical universe little explored in the area of psychology, which for us gives rise to what we call Psychology of Difference. The data we have obtained in the researches and interventions carried out so far can, if analyzed with the theoretical tools, reveal more effective ways of coping with diverse (and adverse) situations that arise in terms of the relation between subjectivity and otherness, especially in contexts class, race, ethnicity and gender. The objective now is to present, in a higher level of theoretical and practical depth, some theories that give shape to the Psychology of Difference. . Based on this framework of Psychology of Difference, we intend to make available to Psychology professionals, elements that will help them in the construction of new methods that put diversity and citizenship in perspective.
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