The architectural structure of the Paraíso does Tocantins Regional Prison Unit and its implications for the fulfillment of custodial sentences
Prison architecture, Regional Penal Unit of Paraíso do Tocantins, Human dignityAbstract
This study primarily aims to analyze, from the perspective of current legislation and regulations, the architectural structure of the Regional Penal Unit of Paraíso do Tocantins (UPRP), located in the state of Tocantins, with a particular focus on areas designated for inmates and their implications for serving custodial sentences. The specific objectives include presenting, from the perspective of the fundamental rights and guarantees established in the Federal Constitution, the Brazilian prison system; describing the threefold purpose of custodial sentences; identifying the current normative legislation governing prison facilities; correlating the existing regulations with the physical structure of prison units and the reality of the UPRP from the perspective of ensuring the fundamental rights of inmates and fulfilling the purposes of custodial sentences. The outlined objectives will be primarily developed using a qualitative method, employing both bibliographic, legislative, and jurisprudential analysis and field research. The relevance of this study lies in the ongoing need to ensure justice is upheld in all its dimensions, including the proper treatment of prisoners. The study concludes that the UPRP fails to meet the necessary standards of prison architecture required to uphold fundamental rights, particularly human dignity.
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