Active Methodologies: A Study on the Application of Playfulness in the Teaching and Learning Process in Early Childhood Education at Prof.ª Maria da Natividade Marques Freire Kindergarten in Buriticupu Municipality
Active methodology, playfulness, early childhood educationAbstract
Understanding how teachers use active methodologies and playfulness to facilitate the teaching-learning process is fundamental, as this practice contributes to the integral development of students. Active methodologies emerge as a creative approach that places the student’s at the center of the learning process. Transforming the student's role from a passive receiver to an active and participatory agent within this process, in which the teacher must act as a mediator and facilitator of learning. The use of playfulness emerges as a significant strategy to engage students to actively participate in the construction and re-signification of their academic and social knowledge. Playfulness makes learning more attractive and contributes to the construction of knowledge in a pleasant and meaningful way. Playfulness is essential for the cognitive, social, and psychomotor development of children, as the playful approach promotes creativity, interaction, and socialization among students. Early childhood education should be fun and stimulating to provide meaningful learning. In other words, within active methodologies, playfulness is essential to stimulate motivation, interaction, and facilitate learning. Moreover, games can be applied practically in different areas of experience. Playfulness consists of activities such as games, playful activities, music, and stories, in which educational games, problem-solving, and case studies can be significant strategies in the teaching-learning process. Therefore, the research developed was exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative approach, aiming to know the playful methodologies used by teachers in early childhood education, which facilitate the understanding of educational content and stimulate children's interest in learning at the Municipal Creche Prof.ª Maria da Natividade Marques Freire in the Municipality of Buriticupu.
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