Food and Nutrition Education: impacts on eating behavior and nutritional profile of adults and elderly people in Primary Health Care
Food and nutritional education, primary health care, nutritional profile, eating behavior, motivational stageAbstract
Brazil has been facing significant changes in health patterns, with the transition from infectious diseases to chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension, especially among adults and the elderly. These groups often face difficulties in accessing healthy foods and nutritional education. Food and Nutrition Education (EAN) has emerged as an important strategy to promote healthy habits, with a relevant impact on Primary Health Care (PHC). This study aimed to evaluate the impact of an EAN program on the modification of eating habits and nutritional profile of individuals attended at the Basic Health Unit (UBS), in the Federal District. The research included 22 participants (15 elderly and 7 adults), who underwent collective EAN activities. Questionnaires were used to assess the socioeconomic profile, eating habits, nutritional status and motivation to change eating behavior. The results indicated that, before the intervention, most participants were overweight or obese. Following the program, there were small reductions in Body Mass Index (BMI), but no major changes. Participants demonstrated improvements in some dietary habits, such as increased consumption of fresh fruit, reduced meals eaten with electronic distractions, and increased number of meals per day. However, there was an increase in consumption of ultra-processed foods, such as hamburgers and sweets. In addition, progress was made in the stages of dietary behavior change, with a significant increase in the number of participants in the “action” stage. Despite limitations, such as the small sample size and short duration of the intervention, the study highlights the importance of EAN programs as effective tools for health promotion, especially for vulnerable groups. Future studies should explore longer interventions and larger sample sizes to more accurately assess long-term outcomes.
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