Hookah. Cigarette. Tobacco.Abstract
Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the effects on health, verifying the prevalence of the use of young people, characterizing the profile of the users and perceiving a comparative effect between the capacity of cigarette consumption and the use of narghile. Methodology: Quantitative research was carried out using a previous questionnaire for the institution of higher education and applied in the selection of students from 18 to 35 years enrolled in the modality of Education of Young people and adults of a public school of the Federal District. The questionnaire was composed of 4 open questions and 6 closed questions (objective type) that emerged about the characteristics of the students and their relationship with tobacco as a focus on narghile but being possible comparative of the prevalence of use of narghile and common cigarette. The data were arbitrated and grouped according to the characteristics observed, as well as age, gender and the two-factor approach to contact and use of narghile. Results: The 45% investigation is a resource already used at one point in life, and when asked about the use of a cigarette 18.33% assumed to be smokers. Tobacco consumption prevailed among women aged 18 to 25 years. Conclusion: These data are revealed by the lack of attention on the subject, aimed at this population. It is suggested an intensification of campaigns directed at young people, in addition to the creation of specific programs for narghile and similar devices.
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